Franquette Walnut Sapling

Franquette Walnut Sapling Franquette Walnut Sapling Franquette walnuts are small, high quality and delicious. The internal fruit rate is around 50%. The average weight of the franquette is 13 grams, the average weight of the inner fruit is 5 grams. The skin is very light in color and the fruits are light in color. Thin-skinned […]
Fernette Walnut Sapling

Fernette Walnut Sapling Fernette Walnut Sapling As pollinator for Fernette Walnut Sapling, Fernor and Chandler It is a plant of French origin and a Franquette x Lara hybrid. It comes out late and has lateral branch fruits. It has the feature of blooming 2-3 days after the Franquette type. It develops in medium strength and […]
Fernor Walnut Sapling

Fernor Walnut Sapling Fernor Walnut Sapling Fernor is a cold-resistant French walnut tree variety. It is productive and leaves late. It is a hybrid of Franquette x Lara. Fernor can be planted in cold regions and can be planted up to 1800 meters above sea level. Fernor is an early-growing variety, meaning it starts producing […]
Chandler Walnut Sapling

Chandler Walnut Sapling Chandler Walnut Sapling Chandler is our best selling walnut wood variety. Developed by the University of California.Chandler is the most preferred walnut variety for new gardens in recent years due to its productivity and excellent hazelnut quality. Chandler is a highly productive variety. 90 percent of its lateral branches are efficient lateral […]